At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School, we place the value of every child at the heart of everything that we do.
If a child needs support, irrespective of who they are – then they get that support. We teach, assess, track and monitor all of our children very carefully and closely, and any child who does not make progress or is falling behind against their end of year targets are flagged up for support and a programme of support and/or intervention is put in place to support that child to overcome the barriers to their learning.
How can Pupil Premium funding support your child?
Pupil Premium is funding which parents can apply for and if your application is successful the school receives extra funding. The funding given to schools is used to narrow the gaps in attainment between pupils.
All children up to the age of 7 years old are entitled to free school meals. Pupil premium children will continue to receive free meals past the age of 7.
Further Information on Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium funding and how can it help your child? – Department of Education Information about Pupil Premium Funding
Please read the reports below to see how we spend the money and what impact the spending has on improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
How do we spend Pupil Premium funding and what is its impact?
Pupil Premium Eligibility
You can use the form to enable Derbyshire County Council to check eligibility for pupil premium funding and free school meals.
Both parents and carers at the home address will have to submit their details for the pupil premium free school meal check.
The school meals pupil premium is additional funding for pupils to support their education. For further information, please contact DCC, tel: 01629 536481.
For further information please read our policies below: