Reporting your Child Absent

Please email with the child’s name and teacher in the subject line.

Please ensure you advise us of the reason why your child is off school, as it is the school’s decision as to whether an absence is authorised.

If you are wanting your child to take time off school for a holiday / travel reasons, please download a Holiday Form at the bottom of this page and submit it to school at least 2 weeks prior to travel. If you are unable to download a form, you may request one from the Office Team.

It is highly recommended that children do not take time off for holidays, and, as both the DfE and Governors expect all children to be present to take part in the external S.A.T.s at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2, under no circumstances will the school authorise holidays taken at these times.

Where a child has to attend appointments during school time, e.g. hospital, doctor, dentist appointments, the Governors require that a parent, guardian or other authorised adult collects the child from school.

Where a child is absent, and no reason is provided by the parent/s, the Administration Manager is expected to follow L.A. guidelines and send home the appropriate letter so that parents are able to respond. Should parents still not provide the necessary information, the attendance will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’.

Holiday Form