Dinner Menu

A cooked lunch is provided in school and, for those parents who wish their child to have school meals, payment should be made on the first day of each week, termly or half-termly if you prefer.

For further details on Dinner Money, please see section on Dinner Money.

Alternatively you may wish your child to bring a packed lunch but we would ask parents to bear in mind our request for healthy options. No sweets, chocolate, glass bottles, canned or fizzy drinks.

If you wish your child to change from sandwiches to school meals, or vice-versa, we would ask that you give the School Office a half-term’s notice in writing, advising of the change.

Please note that school meals are now provided free of charge for all Foundation Stage and KS1 pupils.

School Menu

  • Menus comply with the Government Nutritional Standards.
  • All recipes are low in sugar and fat.
  • Daily servings of vegetables, salad and fresh fruit available.
  • Oven baking of dishes in preference to frying.
  • Traditional roast dinner once a week.
  • Home cooked dishes with quality ingredients, that are locally sourced where possible.
  • All ingredients checked for unnecessary additives and allergens.
  • Bread served as an accompaniment to the meal.
  • Special medically referred diets can usually be catered for.

For the latest dinner menu, please click on the button below.