
Welcome from Chair of Governors

Welcome to the governor section of St Anne’s Academy website.

The Local Governing Body (LGB) are a delegated committee of the Trustees of the St Ralph Sherwin Multi Academy Trust. The LGB is made up of a minimum of six governors of which at least four are Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop of Nottingham and two are Parent Governors, elected by the parent and carers community. The governors have some specific functions such as, uphold the Catholic Ethos of the School, rigorous monitoring of Safeguarding, hold the Headteacher to account for the educational provision to all pupils and engaging with stakeholders and the local community. We undertake these roles through attendance at six LGB meetings a year, coming into school to undertake monitoring and link visits to ensure the School Development Plan is being implemented and is having impact, meeting with senior leaders of the school and the CMAT and planning our activities to ensure the school is reaching into our community. We also undertake specific training to help us to be effective governors and attend half termly seminars and other events run by the CMAT to also support us in our roles. Governors are volunteers and are independent of the CMAT staffing structure but are supported in their role by the CMAT Governance Team through the provision of experienced clerking of our meetings, and advice and updates on statutory duties of governors and schools. The role of a governor is a strategic role and therefore we do not become involved in school day to day operational matters which are the responsibility of our Head teacher. Governors can be contacted through the school office on Just put Attn: Governors in the title of your email and it will be directed to us. (We are planning to have our own email address created so that we can be contacted direct, and we will let you know when we have this in place).

We are always keen to have a broad and fresh set of insights, skills and experience across our governing body and if you are interested in becoming a governor at our school please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will advertise when there are Parent Governor vacancies or if you are interested in becoming a Foundation Governor please either contact myself via the email address above or contact your Parish Priest and we will help to process your application to the Bishop.

Thank you for your interest and God Bless,

Lorraine Gavin

Chair of Governors

Parent Governors

Vote for your Parent Governor

Parent Governors

If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor, please read the information below.


NameGovernor CategoryRoleDate of Appointment or Re-AppointmentTerm of OfficeDeclarations of InterestsAttendance at Meetings 2023/2024
Mrs Lorraine GavinFoundationChair of GovernorsReappointed October 20214 yearsNone6/6
Mrs Marion McCabeFoundationVice ChairReappointed April 20194 yearsNone6/6
Fr Gerry MurphyFoundationParish LinkSeptember 2016EnduringNone6/6
Miss Jemma SwansonParentSubject LinksSeptember 20224 yearsNone6/6
Mr Carl TaylorParentSubject LinksSeptember 20224 yearsNone6/6

LGB Meetings Dates 2024/2025

Advent 17th October 2024
Advent 225th November 2024
Lent 127th January 2025
Lent 217th March 2025
Pentecost 119th May 2025
Pentecost 29th July 2025

Specific areas that Governors will focus on beyond core functions during the 2022/2023 academic year.

  •  Review the updated stakeholder and community engagement plan following parent survey
  • Review and update with school leaders our School Vision
  • Support the school in preparation for an Ofsted inspection under the new 2019 framework
  • Publicity campaigns and engagement activities to encourage more new families to join St Anne’s

Annual Reports and Accounts, Members and Trustees Information and Duties

Information in these areas is held on the St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust website or by clicking the link below:


Should you wish to make a complaint, please see the Complaints Policy under the Governance and GDPR tab on the School Policies page of this website in the first instance.